Hi, EF Friends! Kamu pasti sudah tak asing dengan adjective, kalau dalam bahasa Indonesia adjective adalah kata sifat. Masih ingat apa itu kata sifat dalam bahasa Inggris?
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Yup, adjective adalah kata yang digunakan untuk memberi keterangan pada kata benda. Nah, tapi kamu sudah tahu belum nih? Jika terdapat lebih dari satu adjective dalam satu kalimat, ternyata adjective memiliki urutan penempatan loh. Kamu bisa menghafal istilah OSASCOMTP! Opinion, Size, Temperature, Age, Shape, Colour, Origin, Material, Type, Purpose. OSASCOMTP ini adalah cara mudah agar kamu cepat hafal urutan adjective.
Jika ada determiner, seperti a, this, that, her, dan lain sebagainya, tempatkan pada posisi awal ya. Untuk mengetest kemampuanmu. Yuk, coba latihan soal latihan berikut!
Sesuaikan dan urutkan kata sifat berikut dengan benar!
1. Do you want me to tell you about my home? Ok, I’ll explain it. So, I love my home so much because it is neat and “homey”. It is a green peaceful colour(1), is full of old tall (2) trees and there are lots of white lovely (3) puppies and kittens. It makes me comfortable staying at home all day!
2. My daughter has blue pretty (4) eyes! She stays with her uncle who likes to collect wooden old (5) furniture, such as tables and chairs. His wife is addicted to glass beautiful (6) goods. They are such a cute couple!
3. When I visited Yogyakarta last year, a seller offered me a soft long silk (7) fabric with amazing prints and he said that the pattern is typical Javanese. Without any hesitation, I bought three as souvenirs for my family.
4. February 14th is Valentine’s Day! My husband took me to a romantic dinner, and I was overwhelmed by the décor. The round large dining table (8) with white candles and beautiful white roses. It was fully white, which is my favorite color. The food was amazing. It was tender delicious (9) beef with various fresh vegetables. Also, the drink was perfect!
5. One day, I will visit a old beautiful little (10) village in Indonesia with my friends!
peaceful green (opinion – color)
tall old (size – age)
lovely white (opinion – color)
pretty blue (opinion – color)
old wooden (Age – material)
beautiful glass (opinion – material)
long soft silk (size – physical quality - material)
large round dining (size – shape – purpose)
delicious tender (opinion – physical quality)
beautiful little old (opinion – size – age)
Bagaimana? Kamu benar berapa nih? Cukup mudah bukan? Tetap semangat belajar bahasa Inggris ya. Sering berlatih soal juga bisa meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggrismu loh! Kamu mau menambak kosakata dan banyak berlatih? Yuk, ikut Kelas EF Gratis!
Kamu akan didampingi oleh guru yang berpengalaman di bidangnya dengan materi yang super fun! Soal latihanmu bisa langsung diperiksa deh! Cukup isi no hp di kolom yang tertera di halaman ini dan dapatkan berbagai promo menarik lainnya! Tom tunggu di kelas ya 😉
*Syarat dan Ketentuan berlaku
*Promo terbatas
Terakhir update artikel : 21-02-2023