Reading and Writing

Mengenal Jenis Exposition Text dan Cara Membuatnya


Pernah gak sih, kalian diminta membuat teks argumentatif atau teks yang berisi opini? Nah, kalau pernah, berarti kalian sudah mulai mengenal yang namanya exposition text! Nah, kali ini Tom akan membahas exposition text. Yuk, kita pelajari lebih lanjut tentang apa itu exposition text dan jenis-jenisnya!

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Tahukah EFriends, bahwa teks jenis ini sering muncul dalam berbagai bentuk, seperti artikel, pidato, atau debat. Exposition text penting karena dapat membantu menyampaikan ide dan mempengaruhi pemikiran orang lain. Nah, untuk lebih jelasnya, simak penjelasan berikut ini ya.

Apa Itu Exposition Text?

Exposition text adalah jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk menyampaikan pandangan atau pendapat penulis mengenai suatu topik tertentu. Dalam exposition text, kamu bisa menemukan argumen, data, atau fakta yang mendukung pandangan penulis. Teks ini bertujuan untuk memberi pemahaman lebih kepada pembaca atau meyakinkan pembaca agar setuju dengan pendapat yang disampaikan.

Exposition text umumnya terbagi menjadi dua jenis, yaitu analytical exposition text dan hortatory exposition text. Nah, mari kita bahas lebih dalam mengenai masing-masing jenisnya.

Analytical Exposition Text

analytical text

Analytical exposition text adalah teks yang menyajikan argumen atau pendapat penulis tanpa memberikan saran atau rekomendasi tertentu. Artinya, teks ini hanya berfokus pada penyampaian opini dan argumen pendukung, tanpa harus mengarahkan pembaca untuk melakukan sesuatu. Struktur utama dari analytical exposition text adalah:

Thesis (Introduction)

Bagian ini adalah pembuka yang memperkenalkan topik serta menunjukkan pendapat penulis. Misalnya, jika kamu ingin membahas tentang pentingnya berolahraga, bagian ini menyatakan bahwa olahraga penting untuk kesehatan.

Series of Arguments (Badan Teks)

Pada bagian ini, penulis menyampaikan berbagai argumen yang mendukung pendapatnya. Argumen-argumen tersebut bisa berupa fakta atau data yang menguatkan opini penulis. Misalnya, kamu bisa menyebutkan bahwa olahraga dapat meningkatkan energi, menurunkan risiko penyakit, dan membuat kita lebih produktif.

Reiteration (Kesimpulan)

Bagian ini berisi penyampaian ulang pendapat penulis sebagai penegasan akhir, biasanya mengulangi alasan utama yang disampaikan di awal.

Contoh Analytical Exposition Text (Dalam Bahasa Inggris)

Topic: “The Importance of Learning English”


English is an essential language that everyone should learn for a variety of practical and meaningful reasons. Not only does it serve as a primary mode of international communication, but it also unlocks career opportunities and grants access to a wide range of knowledge and resources.


First, English acts as an international language, bridging people from diverse backgrounds. In an increasingly interconnected world, English serves as a common medium for communication, whether it's through travel, business, or social media. People from different countries often rely on English to communicate across cultural and linguistic boundaries, making it invaluable for building global connections. For instance, if a person travels to another country, English is often the language that helps them interact with others, making travel easier and more enriching.

Second, proficiency in English opens up numerous job opportunities. Many companies, especially those with international clients, seek employees who can speak and understand English. This requirement is common in multinational corporations where English facilitates smooth communication between teams in different countries. In fields like technology, science, tourism, and international trade, English is often the standard language, making it essential for career growth. For example, an IT professional who is fluent in English might have better job prospects in tech hubs around the world, as they can work with global clients and colleagues more effectively.

Third, learning English provides access to a vast wealth of information. English is the dominant language in scientific research, academic journals, online courses, and technology guides. For students and professionals alike, understanding English means they can tap into the latest studies, tutorials, and educational resources. For example, many universities worldwide offer online courses in English, allowing learners to expand their skills and knowledge regardless of where they are. This gives English learners a competitive advantage, as they can continuously learn and grow using the latest resources.

Lastly, English proficiency enriches personal experiences by giving individuals access to a world of art, literature, and media that they may not otherwise be able to enjoy. Many influential books, movies, and songs are created in English, and understanding the language allows people to experience these works in their original form. For instance, reading famous novels by English-speaking authors or watching Hollywood films without relying on translations adds depth and enjoyment to one’s experience, as the original nuances and expressions are preserved.


In conclusion, learning English offers multiple advantages, from helping us communicate with people from different cultures to enhancing job prospects and enabling us to access a broader range of information. As a language that connects us to the world and broadens our horizons, English is an essential skill that benefits learners in countless ways, making it well worth the effort to master.

Hortatory Exposition Text

used to

Berbeda dengan analytical exposition text, hortatory exposition text bertujuan untuk meyakinkan pembaca agar melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu. Dalam teks ini, selain berisi argumen, terdapat juga rekomendasi atau ajakan di akhir teks. Berikut adalah struktur dari hortatory exposition text:


Bagian ini memperkenalkan topik dan mengungkapkan opini atau pendapat penulis tentang sesuatu yang seharusnya atau tidak seharusnya dilakukan.

Argument (Arguments)

Bagian ini berisi argumen-argumen yang mendukung opini penulis. Penulis menyampaikan alasan mengapa sesuatu seharusnya atau tidak seharusnya dilakukan.

Recommendation (Penutup)

Bagian terakhir adalah rekomendasi atau ajakan kepada pembaca untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu berdasarkan argumen yang telah disampaikan.

Contoh Hortatory Exposition Text (Dalam Bahasa Inggris)

Topic: “Why We Should Reduce Plastic Use”


Plastic use has become a significant environmental issue, and it is vital for everyone to take action to reduce it. Plastic is one of the most harmful pollutants on Earth, causing severe damage to ecosystems and wildlife. By reducing our plastic consumption, we can help protect the planet for future generations.


First, plastic takes an incredibly long time to decompose. Unlike organic materials, which break down naturally, plastic items can take hundreds to even thousands of years to decompose fully. When plastic waste is not properly managed, it ends up in landfills, where it remains for centuries, leaching toxic substances into the soil and groundwater. Moreover, plastic that escapes into the environment often ends up in the oceans, where it not only accumulates but also breaks into smaller pieces known as microplastics. These microplastics are even harder to remove and pose long-term environmental risks. The sheer longevity of plastic in the environment makes it clear that we must reduce our reliance on it.

Second, plastic pollution has a devastating effect on marine life. Many marine animals, including sea turtles, whales, and fish, mistake plastic for food. For instance, sea turtles often ingest plastic bags, thinking they are jellyfish, which leads to blockages in their digestive systems, starvation, or even death. Smaller marine creatures are also affected by plastic pollution, as the tiny plastic particles can be ingested, poisoning them and entering the food chain. This not only harms wildlife but also affects humans, as we consume seafood that may be contaminated with toxic chemicals from plastics. The consequences for biodiversity and food safety are grave, highlighting the need for a change in our plastic consumption habits.

Third, reducing plastic use contributes to the conservation of natural resources. The production of plastic relies heavily on fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas. These non-renewable resources are already limited and contribute to environmental degradation through extraction and refining processes. By using less plastic, we decrease the demand for fossil fuels, thereby reducing both energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, many plastic items are produced in large quantities for short-term use—like straws, utensils, and packaging—which further exacerbates the depletion of natural resources. If we reduce our plastic consumption, we can conserve both our environment and the valuable resources it offers.


Therefore, it is crucial that we all take part in reducing plastic use. Simple actions can make a big difference. We should bring reusable bags when shopping to avoid single-use plastic bags, choose products with minimal or recyclable packaging, and opt for eco-friendly alternatives like metal or bamboo straws. Additionally, recycling plastic properly and supporting initiatives that reduce plastic waste can help make a collective impact. Everyone has a role to play in protecting our planet from plastic pollution. By making small changes in our daily habits, we can significantly reduce plastic waste and its harmful effects on the environment. Let’s work together to create a cleaner, greener world for future generations.

This elaboration expands on the initial ideas by providing more detailed examples and emphasizing the importance of reducing plastic use for both environmental and resource conservation reasons. It gives a clearer picture of the harm caused by plastic, alongside practical steps we can take to make a positive change.

Cara Menulis Exposition Text yang Baik

Agar tulisan exposition text kamu lebih menarik dan mudah dipahami, ada beberapa cara yang bisa kamu coba:

Pakai Simple Present Tense

Karena exposition text biasanya berisi fakta atau pendapat umum, gunakan simple present tense (kalimat dalam bentuk sekarang) agar mudah dimengerti dan lebih terasa relevan.

Gunakan Kata-Kata yang Menunjukkan Pikiran atau Perasaan

Kata-kata seperti think (berpikir), feel (merasa), know (tahu), dan realize (menyadari) bisa bikin teks kamu terasa lebih hidup dan menunjukkan pendapatmu dengan jelas.

Gunakan Kata Penghubung (Connective Words)

Kata-kata seperti firstly (pertama), secondly (kedua), in addition (selain itu), however (namun), dan therefore (oleh karena itu) membantu menghubungkan ide-ide di dalam teks sehingga argumenmu tersampaikan lebih teratur dan mudah dipahami.

Jadi, itulah pembahasan lengkap tentang exposition text untuk kamu, EFriends. Dengan belajar menulis exposition text membantu EFriends mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan menyampaikan pendapat dengan lebih terstruktur.

Yuk coba kelas percobaan EF! Biar kamu nggak kesulitan belajar bahasa Inggris sendiri. Ada berbagai cara belajar yang asyik dan tips supaya kamu lebih jago berbahasa Inggris. Cukup dengan mengisi nomor telepon pada laman ini kamu sudah bisa mencoba keseruan kelasnya sekarang juga!

Sampai berjumpa di kelas ya!

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