Apa yang dimaksud dengan reported speech? Reported speech adalah bagaimana noun clause digunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang telah dikatakan oleh seseorang, atau biasanya juga disebut sebagai indirect speech. Bagaimana cara menggunakannya?
Dalam reported speech, tanda kutip tidak lagi dibutuhkan. Mungkin kamu sebelumnya telah membaca tentang noun clause dalam quoted speech. Noun clause sendiri adalah klausa atau frasa yang berperan sebagai noun. Saat quoted speech berubah menjadi reported speech, verb atau kata kerja dalam noun clause juga mengalami perubahan.
Bagaimana bentuk perubahannya? Kamu dapat melihatnya dalam contoh berikut:
She said, “I write a letter every day.”
She said, “I am writing a letter.”
She said, “I have written a letter.”
She said, “I wrote a letter.”
She said “I will write a letter.”
She said, “I am going to write a letter.”
She said, “I can write a letter.”
She said, “I may write a letter.”
She said, “I might write a letter.”
She said, “I must write a letter.”
She said, “I have to write a letter.”
She said, “I should write a letter.”
She said, “I ought to write a letter.”
She said, “Write a letter.”
She said, “Do you write a letter?”
She said that she wrote a letter every day.
She said she was writing a letter.
She said she had written a letter.
She said she wrote a letter.
She said she would write a letter.
She said she was going to write a letter.
She said she could write a letter.
She said she might write a letter.
She said she might write a letter.
She said she had to write a letter.
She said she had to write a letter.
She said she should write a letter.
She said she ought to write a letter.
She told me to write a letter.
She asked (me) if I wrote a letter.
Ada beberapa ketentuan yang harus kamu perhatikan saat menggunakan tenses ketika menggunakan noun clause dalam reported speech:
Direct speech: She said, “I write a letter every day.”
Indirect speech: She said she wrote a letter every day.
‘Said’ yang berfungsi sebagai kata kerja reporting berbentuk simple past (lampau), karena itu ‘write’ berubah menjadi past participle ‘wrote’ mengikuti kata kerja reporting yang berbentuk lampau.
Immediate reporting:
A: What did mother say? I could barely hear her.
B: She said she wants us to turn off the light. It’s late already.
Later reporting:
A: I didn’t go to the office yesterday. Did the manager give me any task?
B: Yes, she said she wanted you to finish the report by tomorrow.
3- Dalam beberapa bentuk, present tense juga dipertahankan ketika reported sentence ini membicarakan hal yang merupakan fakta.
She said that the world is round.
Simple Present:
She says, “I write letter every day.”
She says she watches TV every day.
Present Perfect:
She has said, “I write letter every day.”
She has said that she writes letter every day.
Future Tense:
She will say, “I write letter every day.”
She will say that she writes letter every day.
Setelah membaca tentang reported speech di atas, apakah kini kamu sudah mengerti tentang penggunaan noun clause dalam indirect speech? Kamu juga bisa membaca tentang perbedaan noun dan noun clause serta contoh-contohnya dalam artikel EF Blog yang sebelumnya.
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